June 16, 2020 – celebrating our youth, celebrating our future

ENTHUSIASTIC LEARNING: Earlier in the year, learners, educators and management team from Hillside Primary School, in Mitchell’s Plain, celebrated a successful physical education lesson. The proud 40-year-old institution is one of 18 Mitchells’ Plain Schools part of the MRP Foundation Schools Programme. Image: MRP Foundation / Julian Goldswain.
COVID-19 continues to test us all. While the coronavirus has significantly impacted millions of people globally, for the youth of South Africa, this pandemic is a generation-defining moment, a major historical event now deeply ingrained in young minds.
And although our collective futures look uncertain, MRP Foundation still believes in the resilience and hope carried by the youth of South Africa.
While only matriculants and grade 7s are back at school since June 8, millions of displaced school learners are learning to navigate their ‘new normal’. Youth in tertiary education have also had to adapt to new ways of learning as well as connecting with each other. In particular, distance learning in a homeschool setting has been a very different challenge compared to the challenges faced by the youth in previous generations. However, we firmly believe that the youth of South Africa can overcome this and we continue to encourage all learners to embrace self-development.
“We urge the youth to be strong, adopt a positive attitude and exercise flexibility and resilience in trying to embrace the new and different normality they will be facing,” motivates Karen Wells, Head of MRP Foundation. “It is important to keep the learning journey alive, even if you are reading or learning something new or different every day!”
In spite of the impact of the epidemic, we as a Foundation remain focused on our vision to see young people breaking the cycle of poverty and inequality in South Africa through our innovative education and skills development programmes. We are humbled by the services we have been able to deliver through our programmes, thanks to the funding provided by our generous funders and donors alike.
In 2019 alone, over R19 million was invested in the holistic Schools Programme, impacting over 77,000 learners in 98 schools across 4 provinces and over R17 million was invested into our skills development programme, Jump Start, that impacted 4,301 youth with 63% previously unemployed youth finding permanent employment in the retail and supply chain sectors.
Through fostering strong partnerships with like-minded individuals and organisations who share our vision and purpose, the MRP Foundation is resolute in doing everything it possibly can, to unlock tomorrow’s potential by igniting and instilling hope in a time of fear and hopelessness.
“In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists.” – Eric Hoffer
Youth of South Africa, this is your time to embrace your learning journey and start to reimagine your future. We believe in hope, we hope you do too. #WeBelieveInYou