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Sharing knowledge, the EduRise way 

Thank you Mr Mkhize for ensuring that EduRise learnings live on! © Pierre Tostee / Mr Price Foundation. 


  • Mr Mkhize has retired as principal of Vukuzipathe Primary School after almost 10 years.  
  • His past support will help ensure EduRise learnings are transferred to the new generation of educators.
  • EduRise contributed ‘immensely’ to the school, he said.


Our EduRise programme is proud to pay homage to Mr Mkhize, the former principal of Vukuzipathe Primary School in Hammarsdale. Partners like Mr Mkhize are at the heart of EduRise! It’s only with their commitment, that EduRise can cultivate sustainable, holistic academic environments in underserved communities.


As principal for almost 10 years, Mr Mkhize scored many goals for education, including increasing the school’s enrolment from 600 to 1,100 learners, with 30 educators and 23 classrooms. 


“Teachers were exposed to more learning opportunities, including coding and robotics; and donations were secured for tablets and laptops for learners for new technological subjects,” said Mr Mkhize, recalling other highlights of his tenure.  


Mr Mkhize said that EduRise contributed “immensely” to the school. 


Our partnership with EduRise contributed to the holistic development of learners, benefiting them inside and outside the classroom,” he said. 


“EduRise facilitators taught learners how to use tablets and laptops in critical subjects of maths and languages. They equipped members of school management with much-needed skills; and organised external and inhouse development workshops to boost educators’ confidence.”   


EduRise also highlighted ways of involving parents and the community to support the school for quality teaching and learning. “Improved communication between the school and parents helped solve problematic issues.”   


Pain Mashingaidze, EduRise programme manager, thanked Mr Mkhize for instilling a strong culture of support at the school. This was key to the sustainability of EduRise. 


“We put the sustainability of our programmes at the forefront of implementation. With many experienced educators like Mr Mkhize coming up for retirement, it is important that lessons that are accumulated by individuals don’t leave with them. We need to ensure that there is continuity of the programmes,” said Pain. 


EduRise is a strong proponent of Community of Practice (COP) forums, which play an important role in the sustainable retention of learnings.  While schools often work in silos, EduRise provides schools with a platform to unite and share their strategies for success. 


“COPs are a way of ensuring that knowledge is not hoarded. Knowledge is shared and carried forward to the next generation of educators and managers,” said Pain. 


We wish Mr Mkhize all the best for his future – and are grateful for his positive influence as a teacher, mentor and leader.  


EduRise aims to create holistic academic environments where learners and leaders can thrive, by focusing on four key pillars:

  • School leadership and management development
  • Educator development
  • Learner development
  • Parent and community involvement




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